71st Annual Florida Folk Festival
The 71st Annual Florida Folk Festival is next weekend, May 26th-28th, 2023 at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in White Springs, FL. This Friday, join us on the blog to learn about Seminole presence at the festival, its history, and how you can attend!
The Unconquered People on Veterans Day
November 11th is Veterans Day! This week, join us to explore the way the Seminole Tribe of Florida uplifts and honors their veterans on this important holiday!
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month! This week, follow along below to learn eight things you can do to celebrate and educate.
Centering Anti-colonial Travel
Decolonize your travel! This week, visit the blog to learn about anti-colonial travel, why it is important, and how to do it.
Florida Folk Festival highlights Seminole Traditions
This week, learn a bit about the Florida Folklife Festival! Experience music, crafts, storytelling, food, dancing and more at this year's 70th annual festival in White Springs, FL. Follow along to explore the history of the festival, the integral role Seminole people have played in its popularity and success, and how you can participate.