Kickoff to the 2024 American Indigenous Arts Celebration!
The Seminole Tribe of Florida and the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum hosts AIAC this year November 1-2 on the Museum campus of the Big Cypress Reservation.
Spotlight on the Big Cypress Seminole Reservation
This week, take a turn off Alligator Alley straight to the Big Cypress Reservation. Join us to look at this special community at the heart of the Everglades!
Seminole Tribe: Prosperity Out of the Florida Everglades
There is a wild, thriving ecosystem quietly booming in southern Florida today. It is the Florida Everglades, and it is abundant, peaceful and all natural. A beautiful variety of plant, animal, and insect species thrive off of the land and each other, working in perfect harmony to sustain life. Also inhabiting the land are the hard-working, resilient people, known as the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Out of the Florida Everglades they have built an entire community, filled with unique arts, foods, businesses, and a culture entirely their own. Their success today is an accumulation of hardship, survival and strength on their eventual road to prosperity. Adversity Could Not Stop the Seminoles Long before the Seminole Tribe of Florida began to flourish, they would first overcome an incredible amount of adversity. Once peacefully subsisting, the Seminoles saw significant population decline when the English invaded in the 17th and 18th centuries, bringing with them
Four Things to Include in Your Everglades Trip
Spanning over 2,200 acres of the Florida Everglades, Seminole Big Cypress Reservation is the perfect destination for your Everglades Experience. While here, visitors enjoy the untamed landscape that is the Everglades. Whether you are visiting the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Seminole Museum or spending an exciting day at Billie Swamp Safari, you will want to be prepared so you can focus on the fun. Four Things to Include in Your Everglades Trip 1. Sun Block South Florida sunshine is abundant year-round, and it’s hot! This means that you and your group will be spending the day outdoors. We recommend bringing sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, and any other sun protection you need. While some of attractions are covered, you will want to stay protected, and have your only worry be the kind of authentic Seminole cuisine to order at Swamp Water Café. 2. Comfortable Clothing & Shoes You will do lots of walking around and be active at Big