Billie Swamp Safari

When visitors come to the Florida Everglades they are sure to see all kinds of local wildlife. From butterflies to alligators, our guests should expect to encounter a few of the famous local wildlife that everyone has seen on the National Geographic channel It’s all part of the Florida Everglades adventure experience! Our Everglades wildlife needs room to move. It’s best to bring a pair of binoculars to get close to animals in their natural habitat. All our wildlife needs space to retreat if necessary. Most importantly, never, ever chase an animal! Recognize the signs of alarm: Wild animals are just that… wild. Increased movements such as flapping, pacing, tense muscle movement, staring, or vocalization may mean you are too close. If you feel like an animal is disturbed, back away. Enjoy animals in their natural environs and try not to disturb their natural movements. Remember, Everglades visitors are just that,

The Florida Everglades is extraordinary feat of nature! Once you come here, it’s easy to see why people come from all over the world to take a journey through the wetlands. With unique vegetation and fantastic wildlife, the Everglades must be seen up close, and in person. But with as much attention as the ecosystem has been getting lately, there’s still much to learn about its contribution to South Florida and the people that live here.